Infographic Submissions
What is Infographic Submission?
The human brain has evolved to becoming extremely visual in nature. The twin culprits of abysmally short attention spans and the widespread availability of information have perhaps worsened the ability of the human mind to juggle with large doses of the written word. This is evident from the recent popularity of movies over books; of Instagram over Twitter – and these are just two instances off the top of our head. This would also explain why all of Gen Y is obsessed infographics which was earlier seen as a fad but is increasingly gaining a foothold in the way information is consumed. It also allows businesses to convey their messages without their consumer staring vacantly at the computer screen; their attention having dwindled to that of polite interest as you drone on about the value you bring to the table. Frankly, you’re just one sentence away from having your page closed and your consumer lost to greener pastures. Infographics are here to change that.

Why are infographics the next big thing?
Allow us to demonstrate.
First, you’re going to have to place yourself in the shoes of your consumer. Now, think of yourself as a boy on the brink of manhood eager to cross the threshold and mark his territory in the world. To clinch the deal, all you need to do is transform that sparse growth of hair on your face into a magnificent beard. Thus begins your scouring of the internet for the perfect beard that will suit your face. Two articles appear on the first page of Google. Which one will you read?
Dermatologists are well-informed on the type of beard that suits each face-type and are meticulous in the use of the technology to achieve the exact beard you wish to sport.
1. Face Type: Square
Facial hair styles: Men with square faces should opt for styles that make their faces appear more slender thus accentuating their cheekbonesThe style: Light but all-over beardDescription: One look that works well for men with square faces is the all-over beard that’s clipped close to the face. Maintaining Jake Gyllenhaal’s cool style is fairly simple. Simply grow your facial hair out for several weeks and then use clippers to keep the length short. If you want to have a slightly suave styling around your mouth and chin area, visit an expert initially to get the sharp look you desire
2. Face type: Rectangle
Facial hair styles: Men with this face shape need a beard that can balance their features out by visually shortening the length of their face while giving a soft roundness to itThe style: The 24/7 5-o’clock shadowDescription: While you may not magically develop Adam Levine’s incredible crooning skills, this style of beard is sure to make the ladies fawn all over you. Sporting a respectable amount of facial hair makes the face seems less angular and also makes your hairline less noticeable. All in all, it’s a very distinguished look. To imitate this style, simply let your facial hair grow out for about a week or so, depending on how fast your hairs grows, and then visit an expert to get the correct kind shape
If you picked the second option, you belong to that rare breed of human that likes to skim through reams of text to get to the cream of it. To be honest though, we’re betting our own intelligence that you picked the first option. It’s cleaner, crisper and quite honestly we can see this being shared by you, the man who is tired of being beardless and wants to jump the bandwagon; even the girl who wants to let her boyfriend know that she’s into men with beards.
As a businessman, here is why you should invest in infographics:
It gets across your key messages creatively and therefore more effectively: Most businesses want to reach out to their customers and clients and share with them information and data that would help them earn their loyalty and trust. Submitting infographics will allow businesses to reach out to a wider audience online.
It can increase the traffic on your website overnight: Incorporating the right keywords to describe the infographics can help in getting more online traffic. Targeted keywords can ensure that your infographics come up in the search engine result pages whenever customers type in the relevant keywords. This gradually improves the page rank of your business website.
The backlink to your website will ensure higher page views: When submitting infographics, you can also incorporate the website link of your business which would attract more visitors to your website. You can either add the link information in the infographics or add it separately when you are submitting the infographics to various submission websites. This also works like a backlink to your business website and ensures that your webpage rank improves over time.
Increases the potential for shareability: Infographics are eye-catching and have the potential to go viral across the web. When you submit infographics to various submission sites there are chances that it will be shared and viewed by more people on the internet and thereby bring you more online traffic and potential customers.
What makes for an interesting infographic?
While the pros of have been established, it is equally important to remember that not all content can be retrofitted into infographics. It is also easy to get a little ahead of yourself when constructing, but you should never forget that it is very important to have a story to tell in the first place. Infogrpahics are a recipe for success but the real magic is in the essence of the storytelling. Here is what makes a good infographic and how you can make the best out of it:
Focus on the content that you want to provide to your customers and clients before creating a good infographic. This is important because it will ensure that your potential customers connect with it and find it relevant.
Use the right colors, shapes and images: This will help build brand resonance and create more brand awareness online.
Use the right keywords: This will attract relevant consumers and ensure that they visit your website to find out more about your business.
Simply said?
We know that got your attention.